Friday, January 7, 2011

Domestication Fail #5: Before and After

As a kid, I always loved commercials that had before and after shots. It seemed so magical to see how some new carpet cleaner really got that stain out.

As an adult, I'm not so mystified. (Though oddly enough I tend to love movies that feature a "before and after" theme. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Chocolat, get the idea.) But for once I caught myself in the act of a domestication fail and was able to capture the essence of my destructive side on camera. So for your viewing pleasure, here's a before picture of the beautiful kitchen mats I received from my in-laws at my bridal shower.

Nice, aren't they? Oooh, and they're so squishy and soft on my feet. I love them. Plus, I have this sort of "Fat Italian Chef" theme going on in my kitchen, so they looked great.

Looked. Past tense. Here's an after picture.

Hubs said it'd be okay to run them through the washer. He lied.

I have to get out to the store and replace them before my mother-in-law comes over and notices they're missing...

Lesson number two in catastrophes: Cover your tracks. Destroy all evidence.

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