Friday, January 7, 2011

Domestication Fail #5: Before and After

As a kid, I always loved commercials that had before and after shots. It seemed so magical to see how some new carpet cleaner really got that stain out.

As an adult, I'm not so mystified. (Though oddly enough I tend to love movies that feature a "before and after" theme. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Chocolat, get the idea.) But for once I caught myself in the act of a domestication fail and was able to capture the essence of my destructive side on camera. So for your viewing pleasure, here's a before picture of the beautiful kitchen mats I received from my in-laws at my bridal shower.

Nice, aren't they? Oooh, and they're so squishy and soft on my feet. I love them. Plus, I have this sort of "Fat Italian Chef" theme going on in my kitchen, so they looked great.

Looked. Past tense. Here's an after picture.

Hubs said it'd be okay to run them through the washer. He lied.

I have to get out to the store and replace them before my mother-in-law comes over and notices they're missing...

Lesson number two in catastrophes: Cover your tracks. Destroy all evidence.

Going Once...Going Twice...

Here's a funny story submitted by Shelia of Greenville, Illinois.

I just had to share what was possibly the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me in quite some time!

Last night, Mom and I went to a quarter auction. Click here to find out exactly what a quarter auction is. We got looking to see what was being sold, and one person was selling all kinds of sex toys.

Oh shoot! Here I am with Mom and trying to avoid the darn things. Finally, we get to the table that is selling them and she starts looking at it and asks "What is this?!?!"

"Um Mom...Let's just go over here and not talk about it!"

The auction was fun, except we didn't win anything until the end. And guess what I won.... You guessed it!

What's Mom do? Slings this thing out of the bag and screams as loud as humanly possible, "Haa! She is getting married in May! I bet this will come in handy!"

  "Mom! Just shut up already!"

So I guess I know what I'm getting for a wedding gift from Mom.

I did win a cake topper for .50 though!

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's All Gravy, Baby!

Here's a domestication fail submitted by Alaina of Clinton, Indiana.

My fiance mentioned the other day that he was really craving some eggs, biscuits, and sausage gravy. Being the good fiancee that I am, I decided that I was going to pick up some sausage and make him some homemade sausage and gravy. How hard could it be, right? Heh heh, wrong.

I cheerfully headed home from work today, even calling my father to get his recipe. It seemed simple enough: sausage, flour, milk, salt and pepper. I told my fiance to step back and I was going to whip him up some of the best darn sausage gravy in the world. This, mind you, was immediately before I caught him texting his mother to get her recipe. I got started with browning the sausage in my spiffy little pan and watching it cook. After a few minutes, I noticed that there was minimal grease production. “What the eff?” I thought, and proceeded to crank up the gas.

I should have known something was extremely wrong when this sausage wasn’t producing any grease, but I honestly didn’t give a damn.

The sausage finally gets done browning, and my fiance is looking up recipes on Google. I tell ye of little faith to chill, because I’ve succeeded in browning the meat! The rest should be cake. So, I start adding the flour. It starts to smell. My fiance adds more flour (I deny ever telling him to do so), it starts to smell even worse. At this point I am telling him to add the milk! He’s all like, “What about the salt and pepper?” I give him the “are you friggin' serious?” look and tell him we can add that after the milk goes in.

After what seemed like eternity, he finally got a little bit in. I keep stirring and create a really nice black cloud that even smoke signal enthusiasts would be jealous of. What now? Add more milk! At this point, my fiance tells me I should just stop now. I get irritated and say, “Why?!” He looks at me, trying his best not to laugh, and says, “The milk is frozen.” Frozen.

So what do I do? I beat the living crap out of the milk jug and attempt to melt the frozen pieces. This, of course, doesn’t work. The entire endeavor was a complete and “udder” (ha ha, get it? Udder!) failure.

Oh, and my fiance wants to know what’s for dinner now?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Friender What?!

I know it's after Christmas, but can I please have one of these?

(in my best commercial spokesman voice) "It slices! It dices! It gets rid of the evidence! It's...


And the crowd goes wild...

What an amazing idea for someone so prone to domestication failures as I. Set my girlfriends on fire making mojitos? No problem. Electrocute Hubs asking him to plug in the toaster? It's alright! Friender Blender cleans up the bodies as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step one: Plug in your friendly Friender Blender near the closest corpse.
Step two: Beginning with the extremities, carefully place your deceased inside the Friender Blender Friend Container. Add ice, Svedka brand vodka and pepper to taste.

Step three: Enjoy!

Haha...that's just so wrong...