Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Story for Dr. Freud

I'm secretly convinced that my darling husband and his father are really twins. I mean I get genetics. We all look like our parents. But this... just uncanny. One of them is stealing a lot of hair dye. I haven't decided which.

It's due to this striking similarity that I managed to accidentally reveal to my mother-in-law my attraction for older men, as well as engage myself in a full-on foot-in-mouth spaz attack.

Now I'm the kind of gal who gets nostalgic pretty easily. I don't even have to be looking at photos of my own family to daydream about happier times and "the good ole days". So I was quite enjoying myself one quiet afternoon as my mother-in-law was showing off her collection of old family photos. I found it quite pleasant to hear her stories about the St. Bernards and the family vacations and Hubs dressing up for Tacky Day at his high school.

As we were looking through them, I caught sight of the most adorable photo of a scrawny teen in bright red short-shorts and a white shirt, roller skating in the driveway. Picking it up, I gazed at the photo lovingly, sighed, and turned to my mother-in-law.

"Thank you." I said, with a grin.
"For what?"
"For making such a hot son for me to marry."

I handed the photo of the smexy teen to her. She looked at it for a moment and looked at me. Then looked back at the picture and back at me. An awkward silence began to filled the room.

Then she said, "That's my husband."


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